September is Hunger Action Month

Take Action Now to End Hunger

Access to nutritious food is a fundamental right that lays the foundation for human well-being and potential. Yet, over 106,000 people in South Dakota face hunger daily. Joining the nationwide movement to end hunger helps ensure everyone, regardless of race, background or ZIP code, has access to the food and resources needed to thrive.

Let's End Hunger Together!

Double Your Donation

September 10th is Hunger Action Day

Hunger Action Day is dedicated to nation-wide action that brings awareness to our mission. This year, the Arc of Dreams in Sioux Falls, Bad River Bridge in Pierre, and Main Street Square in Rapid City are showing their support by by illuminating their structures orange!

You can show your support too! Wear orange on September 10th and use #HungerActionDay when you post your photo on social media. Be sure to share why fighting hunger is important to you and invite your network to take action too.

Ways you can take action

Double Your Donation

During the month of September, our Board of Directors will be matching donations — dollar for dollar! This means every $1 given provides groceries for six meals through our hunger-relief programs.



Hunger Action Month is an opportunity to volunteer and create lasting change. Sorting food, packing boxes, and working Mobile Distributions not only provides immediate assistance but sparks conversations about food insecurity and advocates for those facing hunger.


Snap a Selfie

Share a photo of yourself wearing orange and tell others why fighting hunger is important to you. Be sure to use #HungerActionMonth and #EndHunger when you post it on social media.

Get Educated

Education is empowerment! Learn more about hunger in South Dakota and start creating solutions to food insecurity in your community.

Hunger in South Dakota

Use Your Voice

Share our social media content throughout the month to bring awareness to your network. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Host a Food and Fund Drive

Get your community, club, school, or workplace engaged in the fight against hunger. We have a quick guide on our website to help you!

Food & Fund Drives